• sumit sinha
    Posted 14/06/2021 4:24 pm 0Likes

    just wanted to know whether you are opening a branch in pune?

    • claps_admin
      Posted 08/08/2021 7:26 pm 0Likes

      CLAPS is an initiative of group of parents. If you have group that would like to start such a setup, we can guide you.

  • Sudip Ganguly
    Posted 13/11/2021 8:47 pm 0Likes

    We are a group of parents of special citizens in West Bengal who are planning to go for a community living project. Can you kindly give us suggestions/ guidance regarding the legal framework to work out. Which kind of body would be more suitable, a registered parent’s society, or a charitable trust or both? What kind of laws/ byelaws should be mandatory for such a parents body?
    With regards.

    • claps_admin
      Posted 25/12/2021 10:57 am 0Likes

      Please call the numbers provided in cant uu page.

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