On JAYA TV: CLAPS children expressed their anguish in form of Art against Elephant killing incident in Kerala. 13 of CLAPS children expressed their concern through their art work.
CLAPS is a devine gift to all lucky parents of special children. CLAPS brought back the smiles and spark in each parent and took away the grief for ever. There is now a clear division in lifes of every…
Mrs. Alamelu Sivaraman, CLAPS Member, parent of a special citizen expressing her views on CLAPS community.
CLAPS Families meet every week to explore, exchange ideas and train one another in various engaging and productive activities for our children. Some of the activities in which our children are already become experts and earning for themselves are:…
CLAPS Members – Introductory Meeting and Workshop on “Training and Transition” – 15 Dec 2018, Chennai Venue: V-Excel educational trust, Mandaveli Guest speaker 1: Mrs. Ramamani Ravi. Senior parent and Spl Educator, Founder Trustee of Swabhodhini school, Founder Sarvamangala…